Massage Nation was created for two reasons. Firstly, to provide a complete directory of locally available, verified professionals working within massage therapy, holistic wellness, and beauty.

And secondly, to provide a secure, hands-on platform for professionals to generate a steady and reliable income by connecting them with like-minded clientele.

Massage Nation promotes inclusivity for all disciplines within holistic wellness and we aim to promote all aspects of the industry into the mainstream.

The Foundation of services offered within this website includes all prominent massage techniques and disciplines however the keen observer will notice we include elements of sensuality and tantra.

We aim to elevate sensual massage and tantric healing into mainstream society as there is proven physical, mental, and spiritual benefit which can be attained from a suitable and well-trained professional.

Massage Nation offers a no-nonsense alternative to the standard massage directory. We provide the best therapists local to you. Simple.

We hope that you enjoy our website and that you derive value from the professionals herein.

Please be sure to leave a review on your chosen therapist’s profile as it helps us to ensure we display the best the world of massage therapy has to offer.